Sunday, January 24, 2010

In The Name Of Boosting The Economy.

Went shopping shopping AND shopping again…

Spend SPEND spend!!!!

Yesterday buy…today buy…BUY BUY BUY!!!

Bought many things…

Errmmm…like what huh??

Two pair of shoes at 1 go…

Woo…yeng daooo…LOL

then…shirt…pants…bla bla bla…

got myself a new desk…

whoa…the first shop we went…

wanna ‘tok’ us like…erm RM780!!!???

For just 1 stupid desk??

The went to PISA,

yay…380 bucks…

quite cheap and beautiful too…

but have to wait till Friday for it to be delivered…

Recently got a new game,

well not that new actually,

was released last year.

It’s RA3,

not the best in town but still can have fun.


Awww…… so beautiful,

pity my laptop can’t support too much graphics.

Otherwise it would be this detailed throughout the whole game.

I set it to ULTRA HIGH detail…and

Wth…lag lag lag…

I don’t know what’s that at the top left side of the screen…

Then I became a little more bored and lazy to do any homework.

So I decided to change my wallpaper to something more happiness inducing.

Then I came across THIS!


Ta-da the 1st thing you turn on your pc and… WHOA…

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Let us pray.

Let us pray for those who are still missing from the dragon boat incident.

May they come home to their families alive and in one whole piece.

Whether it is A****, Jesus, Buddha or whatever God, let us just hope for the best.

Haha, I know CLHS guys won’t give up that easily,

so do come back *although I don’t know you guys, but you all are still tiong leng kia*


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Now I’m back

See the title?

Get what it means?


Anyway, since my old hard disk is making my life miserable,

I decided to make it’s life miserable as well…

by alienating, isolating, marginalising (non-belonging vocabs) it once and for all…

AND…the best of all, I have now gotten a new one,

which means more space and pictures and stuff…

which indirectly means I can save pictures in my laptop again…

which again means that I do not have to climb that flight of steps again to save my pictures into my desktop…

which again means that now I can directly get pictures from my laptop straight into this bloody blog…

which in turn, means that I can start having pictures in my blog again…

which again bloody means that I can start uploading pictures in here once more…

which means that you people here can view pictures here…wohoo *that was a mouthful*

Having further thought, I might as well not upload any pictures here since everyone can meet each other and see them in Facebook.

*mouse over some of the pictures.*

Theresa, HM & Lalapom

Ta-da grand reopening of my blog with a beautiful picture of beautiful girls…

Here are some…Never seen before footage of our photo shoot session on New Year’s Eve.'o' it's a HE or a SHE?





Suddenly these two models weren’t doing their job properly, IF I had to put all their pictures here, it would definitely jeopardise my blog’s beauty…(ya, yang atas punya.)



Then See Man came…and WHOA…!!!


Wohoo…this two Yeng daooooo……

One very happy LALADSC_5952 DSC_5950One very cool LALA

Hi, I'm Lalapom, add me on Facebook

Then Lalapom requested for a solo picture…


Very xing fu feel…awhh……

nice family you got there…


Darn it, Herrick would you just stand straight, you spoilt the picture you know!!


Yerr…dirty feet.

Oh my...

OMG!!! NOoooo…there goes my blog reputation again…

Big Foot Footage

*Oooo…lookey lookey I have beautiful feet…*


*Whose beh-shiok-ness more yeng*


Nice isn’t it??


Have you considered modelling?

Hong on the left: Weee...happy, I have admirer; Hoong on the right: WTF, SHY....


*ANYWAY…welcome back Zhi Hong

Happy family, but there's still TWO more idiots haven't come home...


AND SO, That’s the end of our New Year’s Eve trip to LalaLek’s place…

~Woo…so many Happy memories with the LALAs~

Monday, January 11, 2010

I love owls…

No, I don’t actually owls, unless they were from the city…LOL


anyway, someONE gave me this link…

she thought his room was cool, and I thought his music was cool…

And also, I thought, his room is freaky enough…with walking crabs and weirdo dancing robots all over…

Then I found this song, *the MV isn’t the actual one, it’s made by some one else, it’s cute though.* :

Oh this is really really really wonderful…awh his gf is so lucky…


Friday, January 8, 2010


I’m not actually back…

but, *reluctantly*

I don’t really have much to post around here…

maybe I’d write something about our trip…

Or something about college…

Let’s talk college…

1st day, had to write English essay on our expectations for college…

What the…

had to crank up my dusty and rusty brain just to write 3 dumb paragraphs of absolutely pointless piece of rubbish…

RUBBISH I SAY…It’s just rubbish…

Anyway, I’m just now, 4 days old in INTI *lame inside joke*

every time the teachers come in,

we all had to, well,

introduce ourselves…

seriously, I still do not know any new guys around here…

Wait, there’s one, two actually…

College life is…ermm

I don’t know…

Every time I come home,

I definitely have to take not just 30 wink…but 10 times more winks than that …LOL

almost an average of what, 6? 7? 8? hours of lecture a day?

Not only that, they serve curry everyday…OOO

It’s alright for me right now I guess…

Give me another few weeks I might puke looking at curry…

green curry red curry fish curry chicken curry…WTH!!!

The lecturers aren’t that bad, they are cool…

other than…CHEMISTRY…

got shot in right in the head…

forget that…

Physics…wth, lame jokes all over…

Don’t know whether to laugh or not,

yea, and I almost fell asleep…LOL

English period…interesting…seriously…

You get to see all the other student’s ‘pattern’…

…all sorts of pattern, there’s even Miley Cyrus…

OK…Bio…ishh, nothing to say…Maths!



Oh come on…

although I admit I am a careless person, but…


I think we’ve been doing that since like many years ago??


Let’s see…


no uniforms…

there’s one issue about uniforms…

that is, because there isn’t any uniform…

so you have to wear something descent, otherwise there will be people who will gladly comment on what you wear…


troublesome…really troublesome…

then there’s this really retarded person who think his car is so bloody small that he can simply just park anywhere…

yea, obstructing my car until I couldn’t reverse properly…

OH…those people really sucks, they simply park, double park triple park, never even bother to park properly in the box…

Luckily my car small enough and easy to manoeuvre…#$%^&*

overall, college still rocks, for now, that is…

I get to sleep late and wake up later than usual…unless you call 7 a.m. late…


Anyway, my house is like, 10-15 mins away…

Not bad eh?

wake up 7.20, still can be in time for school, including breakfast, brushing teeth, driving and…what, that’s all…

OOooo… O.o


nothing else I guess…

happy new year…YAY

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