A month away from Christmas, what should you get for you camera? I was thinking, a Gorillapod maybe. Zhi Hong was effing lucky today as he got the last Gorillapod for all of the stores. It only cost RM150…phew. We, that is ZH, Noel and I then went to the other shops to look for this rare species of Gorillas as they had been extinct over the months which I totally did not know about. The one with the ball head thingy was RM220 an extra 70 bucks…LIKE HELL NO, not for a mini tripod for that price. :( so no gifts for X’mas my dear D5000. BUT, I managed to get something for someone HAHAHAHAHAHA.
This shop that we went into was totally random. Why did we go in? Because the light was red and it had 90 seconds more, so we went in for the air-cond. This shop is next to Ace Travels, the one inside the building hidden from our view. The aunty there was super funny and humorous. Yes, that is what I call good service. It makes A LOT of difference. The next shop we went was Excel just opposite Komtar. First impression? WHOA Is it a bank??? Everybody was queuing like crazy buying cameras and stuff like they needn’t pay any money. We saw the new D7000, selling for RM4400 with lens and RM3800 for the body. All I had in mind was…OH NOOOO!!! I don’t really need and want it anymore. It’s something that we should think before buying it. Do you have a camera right now? Do you NEED the new 16MP, Full HD movie, magnesium alloy and the extra buttons? I’m not actually sure that I’d pay that much of money for things that don’t actually matter to me right now. During our parents’ time when they did not have these fancy things like manual settings external flash and all the other things that SEEMINGLY makes a difference thanks to these manufacturers, they made pretty nice pictures which ZH and I agreed very well. A roll of film has around 32 frames for us to take(sorry if I’m making a mistake here, haven’t touch films since the day we bought a computer that has windows ME in it.) and almost all of the pictures, maybe one or two frames were blurred or cropped unintentionally because the viewfinder was not like SLRs, were usable as in you’d go YAY we have some really nice pictures and weren’t we happy and pleased. The last thing we checked was, WAS IT SHARP? WHAT’S THE BLARDY RESOLUTION?? WHAT LENS WERE YOU USING? All we had was a camera, a camera that had only one lens just like compacts…A camera that took pictures that kept memories of us.
Like seriously, JUST ONE camera and ONE lens to carry around, by the way the lens can’t be changed anyway.
Since the day I had a DSLR, all I did was snap away as if there was nothing to worry about. I was definitely wrong, instead it was much worse than using film. I’m now practically hoarding thousands of useless frames because I rarely delete them. WHY? Because I thought it was free. Now my computer had less than 80GB left for use. Now what? Buy more hard disks? They’re not cheap, really. Still, I think film is still better choice, yes definitely. If my lenses weren’t only for DX, I’d rather get another Nikon film camera, obsolete film cameras are as cheap as my 35mm f/1.8. It’s the film that is quite expensive(but if you do it frequent you might get discounts) and developing them is expensive, well not really even if you have digital prints they would also have to cost you 40 cents per piece.
Somewhere along the dirty bridge linking Komtar and Perangin Mall.
The same row of shops opposite Komtar. The uncle in the rattan shop was quite pissed. SOD YOU ******** rattan shop owner!!!
Komtar building, one of Penang’s most iconic building. Thanks to Lim Guan Eng Komtar is coming back to life again, hopefully.
Couldn’t get a clearer shot as the counter was almost up. Otherwise you might find me standing in the middle of the road snapping happily away.
Awh, aren’t these 3 looking cute :) If you have fairly good imaginations, you’d find that they have eyes and a very cute nose.
My car got slightly damaged after going through flood water, wheel deep, just that little stretch. One of the plastic protective flaps under the engine supposedly is able to protect the engine from maybe minor conditions like small water splashes or something bent and came off(AS IN BENT DEFORMED AND LIKE WHOA SENGET ALMOST CRACKED INTO HALF, bent is definitely an understatement), dangling underneath for don’t know how long, being so cold in the rain all the way home. OH NOOOOO… :( What a heartache. NOOOOOOOO When I drove into the car porch and heard a loud *scratchhhhhhh* and I thought…oooh…ok damn it, S***. Well the water pressure must have got too strong until it gave way, the other cover on the right side was still intact but almost at the verge of breaking as well.
Dad’s going to ask the mechanic to just probably smack it back into place. For the time being it’s still not really fixed properly yet, it might fly off if I’m going too fast. HAHAHAHAHA.
By the way, I think 11-19th December will be Penang Botanical Garden’s annual floral fest, well IF I’m not mistaken. Gear up guys and lets go get some photos.