Thursday, December 10, 2009

YouTube rocks

Some idiot made me watch this video called jail rabbit prison rabbit, whatever…it’s the same I guess…

So I did…Now somehow addicted to it…

But because of streamyx’s lousy and slow connection…

I had to stop laughing whenever i had to wait for it to load…

so it was like, laugh, then no laugh and be frustrated and miserable…

positive 100 + negative 100 = 0

so what the freaking *tooot*, it’s like wasting my life isn’t it?

Anyway, this cartoon was brilliant…seriously.

Until now, I think I’ve watched halfway through the series already, each episode is around 1 minute 30 seconds…

Really, really stupid and kills time easily, especially if you are a gawd-damn-streamyx user.

Then I came across this…

and tell you what…It was so un-hilarious and lame at the same time…

WTF…but seriously, MadTv has the best idiots you could ever imagine…

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