Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Now I’m back

See the title?

Get what it means?


Anyway, since my old hard disk is making my life miserable,

I decided to make it’s life miserable as well…

by alienating, isolating, marginalising (non-belonging vocabs) it once and for all…

AND…the best of all, I have now gotten a new one,

which means more space and pictures and stuff…

which indirectly means I can save pictures in my laptop again…

which again means that I do not have to climb that flight of steps again to save my pictures into my desktop…

which again means that now I can directly get pictures from my laptop straight into this bloody blog…

which in turn, means that I can start having pictures in my blog again…

which again bloody means that I can start uploading pictures in here once more…

which means that you people here can view pictures here…wohoo *that was a mouthful*

Having further thought, I might as well not upload any pictures here since everyone can meet each other and see them in Facebook.

*mouse over some of the pictures.*

Theresa, HM & Lalapom

Ta-da grand reopening of my blog with a beautiful picture of beautiful girls…

Here are some…Never seen before footage of our photo shoot session on New Year’s Eve.'o' it's a HE or a SHE?





Suddenly these two models weren’t doing their job properly, IF I had to put all their pictures here, it would definitely jeopardise my blog’s beauty…(ya, yang atas punya.)



Then See Man came…and WHOA…!!!


Wohoo…this two Yeng daooooo……

One very happy LALADSC_5952 DSC_5950One very cool LALA

Hi, I'm Lalapom, add me on Facebook

Then Lalapom requested for a solo picture…


Very xing fu feel…awhh……

nice family you got there…


Darn it, Herrick would you just stand straight, you spoilt the picture you know!!


Yerr…dirty feet.

Oh my...

OMG!!! NOoooo…there goes my blog reputation again…

Big Foot Footage

*Oooo…lookey lookey I have beautiful feet…*


*Whose beh-shiok-ness more yeng*


Nice isn’t it??


Have you considered modelling?

Hong on the left: Weee...happy, I have admirer; Hoong on the right: WTF, SHY....


*ANYWAY…welcome back Zhi Hong

Happy family, but there's still TWO more idiots haven't come home...


AND SO, That’s the end of our New Year’s Eve trip to LalaLek’s place…

~Woo…so many Happy memories with the LALAs~

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